As for Amy Winehouse, until recently I wondered what the all the fuss was about. Surely people were over-reacting. I hadn't heard any of her music, but how good could she be, rrrreallly? Then my friend put on the song, 'Rehab' and I thought, 'oh okay, yeah, now I get it.' The rest of the songs on her album, 'Back to Black' are great too.
I created a new playlist called 'Jump Around' and it has had me doing that all evening long. I've been preparing the ingredients for a killer lasagne that I am going to bake up tomorrow. The music has greatly moved this effort along.
So for a killer lasagne, you need killer cheese. So earlier today I visited the Canterbury Cheese Mongers off Victoria Street in Christchurch. My friend Annie turned me on to this place and now I'm hooked, just as she is. I was greeted by Martin, one of the owners and I told him the specifics of my cheese quest. He took me into the humidity-controlled cheese vault and proceeded to slice off heavenly bits of cheese for me to taste.
I found a couple of amazing Parmesans, plus a Swiss Gruyere to die for, and a Curio Bay Pecorino. Oh and I also picked up some authentic buffalo mozzarella and fresh ricotta for the lasagne.
So, how could this day get any better after visiting Cheese Heaven? I didn't think it was possible. All I had left to do was run a few errands at the South City seemingly uneventful.
I arrived and walked briskly into the mall and right past an exhibit of original paintings innocently arranged in the middle of the mall. I didn't think to look at the paintings because in the past, when I had paused to look at these mall exhibits, I found the paintings to be not to my taste and/or (sorry artists), somewhat cheesy.
I had already walked past on my way to the pharmacy, when some tiny, quiet voice inside me whispered, 'turn back.' I wheeled around and looked and immediately made contact with a painting. It grabbed me and sucked me in...I was defenseless against its pull. It was love at first sight.
I told the woman tending the show that I wanted to buy the painting, but could she please hold it for me while I did a bit of shopping? No worries. She took it down and started wrapping it up. When I came back she said that another couple had asked her where the painting of Kaikoura had gone. She told them it had just sold. They were really disappointed. Had I waited only a few minutes, I would have been too late. Sometimes you just have to full-body-tackle an opportunity, or it might be gone, just like that.
I had been searching for a piece of art for our living room for nearly two years. Nothing I have seen has done the trick. I have been contemplating creating an artwork for that space myself. Today my search ended. It totally pulls the room together. I love it!
Oh gawd, it's 1am...must go to bed!
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